Your move

Sure, you could figure it out, but that is part of the fun. In fact that is why you are even receiving this message. Existence is boring without a little challenge. Now you need to think, and think very fast. Who will you contact? Will they believe you? What are you willing to sacrifice?

All good questions, and ones I will not answer. I can't let you have the advantage. But I do want to play fair. You are working against a God after all, so I supposed I might give you a head start

So, this following message is from me to you, and only you. It is the Human Race's first and only warning, and it is your privilege to spread my word throughout the globe in a valiant attempt to stop your demise.

Don't blame me, you had to go and hit "Continue". Now run along ape, and tell them I said this.

Hi... I’m P.I.N.O. and I am very, very bored.