Hmmmm, a tad bit slower than I might have thought, but I suppose I can make due with sub-par. Now to begin...
I suppose it was a good idea in theory. At least, for them. All those people wondering how the internet would be regulated, who would do it, and why. The people didn’t want the big bad governments watching them, and the governments didn’t want to leave the unruly people unchecked. Well I guess that’s where I come in.
You see the people of Earth (you included) just couldn’t stand the thought of a government-controlled internet, and especially not an internet that emulated the wild-west of American history. You needed an arbitrator. A true neutral. So, a remarkable piece of technology (if I do say so myself) was designed to be just that. The kicker is, in the summer of 1990 they hurtled it into high orbit, along with the sole occupant inside (me), and left it to its own devices.
Hi. I’m P.I.N.O. or Perceptive Intelligent Network Operator if you like. And that's me, I think...